Antarctic Wildlife Fund

This is a logo concept for a wildlife preservation group called the Antarctic Wildlife Fund. This group deals with the preservation of natural ecosystems in the Southern Ocean and coastal regions of Antarctica. It features a head of an Emperor penguin.

Colorado Customs

Colorado Customs is a local video game hobbyist group that specializes in custom-made controllers and accessories for the Nintendo GameCube. The logo features a stylized GameCube console that takes inspiration from Colorado’s state flag. The top of the console’s disc cover is shaped to resemble the Colorado flag’s ‘C’, while the bottom left side contains a geometric ‘C’ to fit within the inner contours of the device. Check them out on Etsy.

Channel 3 Retro Gaming Cafe

This is a logo concept for a Colorado-based arcade and café which holds frequent gaming tournaments and events. The logo is based on the circular channel dial that old tube televisions used to have on their front bezels. The channel dial was drawn to incorporate the Colorado flag’s ‘C’ and was chosen because back in the retro gaming days, many had to flip to a certain channel in order to display the signal created by their connected video game system.

50 výročí Fakulty Technologické UTB

This is a logo created to commemorate the 50-year anniversary of the Faculty of Technology at Tomas Bata University. The faculty specializes in the development of polymers—a synthetic or organic compound made up of millions of repeating molecular chains which can be used to create new materials. The logo was drawn to reflect the faculty’s work with polymers, as the logo represents a molecular strand as seen under an electron microscope. The color variant has four colors: blue, green, red, and yellow. These colors represent science, technology, chemistry, and quality. The blue variant was created to better coincide with the faculty’s blue branding. The final outlined version is meant for special purposes such as embroidery or glass etching.

700 Let města Rokytnice v Orlických horách

Commemorative logo created to celebrate the 700-year anniversary of Rokytnice—a small town in northeastern Bohemia. The logo prominently features the town’s church tower—one of the town’s most iconic landmarks.

Scorpion Strength

Scorpion Strength is a local startup group that specializes in fitness and gym accessories. It features a scorpion in an attack stance. The logo is meant to be aggressive and reflect power.